Floor painting AZC Leiden

Together with Jesse van Epenhuijsen, Stichting de Vrolijkheid, many amazing volunteers, and myself, the residents of AZC Leiden created this large floor painting on the parking lot, in front of the entrance. The design process began by cutting a stencil from a large piece of paper, which we then used to paint the pattern onto the ground. This approach allowed for a cohesive design that everyone could contribute to, regardless of age or artistic skill:
A Yemeni man, for example, created a logo using the first letters of his name and his wife’s name, whom he hadn’t seen in years. A man from Sudan painted an eagle because he had an eagle at home and was a pilot. A Palestinian man painted a flower symbolizing hope. Others painted a fish out of love for the sea, flowers from Russia, palm trees from Sudan, blueberries because they’re delicious.

Many thanks to all participants and volunteers; it was an amazing week.

Special thanks to Mo Zorqa for creating all the videos

Mede mogelijk gemaakt met een financiële bijdrage van CBKRotterdam 

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